Формат exe преобразование в apk. Как открыть на Андроид файл exe — стираем границы между операционными системами

Android is one of the most popular mobile operating system after Apple iOS. There are thousands of Apps are available on Google Play Store but what if you want to use one of your Windows Program on Android. You can’t install Windows EXE games and software on your Android mobile phone. However, EXE to APK Converter Android App can do the task with no problem.

For your Android smartphones, there are thousands of tools, but among all, the most popular tool is EXE to APK converter . There are a whole lot of apps and games which are developed both for PC and Android. Sometimes we want to use an app on an Android phone but that is in the EXE format, and you do not have the resources to download them to your android smartphone. Now it doesn’t matter if you have this tool called EXE to APK converter tool .

This EXE to APK converter tool is free to download and convert your computer files to Android to begin using it again. Thus with this easy conversion of EXE files into APK , you’ll have the ability to fetch all of the application on your Android smartphone so why not just do that. Here in this article, we are going to share how to convert EXE file to APK step by step.

How to Convert EXE to APK

You will discover a lot of APK installers in developer forums. It’s used to launch the installer of a program. There are exe and dll” repair tools you may use to produce your computer run better. These files are extremely simple to use, but you first should set up your phone to install applications from third-party sources. Such files can be produced by creating a backup of current apps. APK files are intended for smartphones like android phones. The APK file works the same way as exe file works. But Apk files are only for Android platform, and Exe files are for Windows. Sometimes we want to use any Windows program for Android, but the problem is Android only supports Apk file. So how to Run Exe file on Apk. The answer is you cannot. But you can convert Exe to Apk.

In the future, it may help you save you a whole bunch of trouble. Should the problem be related to a specific downloaded program, you might wish to try out uninstalling and reinstalling that program.

Convert EXE to APK file

The process of converting EXE file to APK is very simple but first you have to download some tools and setup them on your device. You will need:

  • Software that you want to convert in Apk
  • Change My Software (EXE to APK Converter)

Step 1 – Download EXE to APK converter tool from here http://changemysoftware.org/APKconverter

Step 2 – Once it is downloaded, double click on it to open. You have to select on “I Have a Portable Version”.

Step 3 – Now select the EXE file from your computer that you want to convert into Apk.

Step 4 – Once loaded, find Convert option. Click on the Convert and wait. It will take few seconds to minutes depending on the size of the file.

Step 5 – Done! Once your EXE file is converted to APK.

Step 6 – Now copy and paste that Apk file to your Android Phone and install it.

Thats’t it for now. Above we have mentioned all the steps by which you can convert EXE file to APK. If you have any problem then comment below. We will help you. Share this article.

Hi friends Welcome to the tutorial on How To In the previous article I gave step by step instruction to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot, you can install windows on your Android mobile/tablet by reading that article. If you install Windows on android mobile then you can use any EXE file on your android mobile/tablet. You can also use EXE files on your android mobile without installing Windows OS on your android mobile by just converting the EXE files to APK files.

Must Know:

How to

Android users can only install and use the APK files on their mobile but not the many useful EXE applications&games available for windows. Here in this tutorial, i will explain to you how to convert EXE file to APK file by using a simple EXE to APK Converter Tool available for free on the web.

Convert any useful EXE file to apk file and install them on your android mobile by just following the below simple process.

You can also know about the best file transfer application:- and the best app to get free recharge:-.

How To Convert Exe File to Apk file (Tutorial):

Before going into the process, first, check the requirements to Convert Exe File to Apk file.

Must Know:

As mentioned in the requirements, you need the Change My Software: EXE to APK Converter Tool. Download the EXE to APK Convert Tool from the below link for completely free .

NOTE: Two months back we can download the Exe to Apk Converter easily for free with a single click from the official site, but now users should have to submit a survey to download it for free or you have pay to download the Exe to Apk Converter. We are not allowed to share the software so, every user should download the software from the official site linked below by submitting a survey or by getting a premium account.

Download Exe to Apk file converter

Alternative Download link to Download Converter

Update (June 27): One of AllTechFeed user provided a direct link to the EXE To APK software in the comments. The software is Downloading freely but it’s getting a problem in selecting the destination folder . Everyone download the software from the below link and try it once. If you didn’t get the error or know how to resolve it provide it to other users through commenting or send an email to us [email protected], we will update it to other users. We are contacting the official site about the issue, hope we will resolve it soon.

Now below link also not working

EXE to APK Converter Version 1.95

After you downloaded the tool from the above link, launch the software on your computer.

launch EXE to APK converter tool

After launching the software, select “I have a portable application” and click next in the Exe to APK Converted Tool.

select the portable application to convert

Now select the EXE file that you want to convert. It will take some time to load the files, after completion of loading you will see like below image then click on “convert”.

click on convert

Must Know:

The Tool will take some time to convert the EXE file to APK file. The process of converting depends on the Exe file size. So leave the tool to complete the process.

converting exe file to apk file

After completion of the process, you will get the success message like shown in the below image.

success coverted exe to apk

Now your EXE file will convert into Apk file so that you can install that file in your android mobile/tablet to use.

If you got any problems in following the process, please post them in the comment section.

Must Read:

I hope this article helps you to know how to convert EXE file to APK file. Share the article if you think it’s helpful for others and don’t forget to post your valuable comments.

Конвертируя файл в другое расширение файлов Вы сможете воспользоваться другими программами для его обслуживания. Но не следует забывать, что файл APK после конвертирования в EXE может немного отличаться от оригинала, например размещением данных. Самая важнейшая информация должна сохранится, но если Вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы файл, после конвертирования из APK в EXE был идентичен, Вы должны действовать рассудительно и выбрать соответствующее приложение из списка ниже. Это не гарантирует выполнения конвертирования на 100% соответствующего Вашим ожиданиям, но все же может сильно помочь. Если все-таки эффект конвертирования файла APK в EXE не выполнил Ваших ожиданий, Вы можете попробовать найти в интернете другую версию Вашего файла в формате APK , раньше уже правильно конвертированную кем то другим в файл EXE . Если у вас это не получится, воспользуйтесь информацией, представленной в дальнейшей части.

Программы для конвертирования APK в EXE:

Другие возможные конвертирования файлов APK

Если после проведения конвертирования файла APK Вы не получили соответствующего результата, Вы можете попробовать изменить формат файла APK в другой чем EXE. На нашем сайте Вы найдете также информацию о следующих возможностях конвертирования:

Конвертирование файла с расширением APK в другой формат

Какие еще есть возможности?

К сожалению, если после выполнения двух ранее описанных действий (попыток найти свои файлы APK конвертированный кем то другим, и попытки его самостоятельного конвертирования в формат EXE) по-прежнему остается проблема с файлом, то решений остается немного. Вы можете еще раз попробовать поискать и установить приложение, которое сможет открыть файл APK в оригинальном формате (без конвертирования в файл EXE. Такое решение будет трудным для выполнения, но без сомнения принесет наилучший результат.

In your Android and PC. So in this tutorial, I would love to explore how can we run a Windows EXE file on an Android phone and PC and also you will get a step by step tutorial on How To Convert EXE file to APK File easily in 2019.

Convert EXE to APK Easily on Android and PC

With the increase in the use of smartphones and computers, the development of apps and software for these devices has also increased considerably. Numerous apps for smartphones such as Android and iOS are available on Google Play Store and App Store respectively. Also, software for PC users is available on various official websites and the web store. These apps and software have increased the usability of smartphones and computers. Almost every task requires a smartphone or a computer. However, software developed for computers cannot run on a smartphone and neither can apps developed for smartphones can run on a computer.

This is the reason due to which these apps and software are restricted to their respective . There are few apps which can work better on a computer and also, there are few which are easy to use on a smartphone. To solve this issue, we have brought forward a method, using which one can easily convert an EXE extension file to an APK file. This means that you can run software designed for your computer, on your smartphone. The steps to be followed and the software required to make this happen are listed below.


  • “EXE to APK Converter Tool,” (You will find in next Steps) you can directly download it
  • Windows Software that you want to convert
  • Android device or a PC to run the converted file.

What are EXE Files?

EXE Full Form is Executable File. As the name defines the files that file that contains a program that is, a particular kind of file that is capable of being executed or run as a sole program in the computer. Read the full article on EXE .

What is APK?

I think you all are aware of this term as well? If yes please skip this part. If not, Then you can read it as well. APK full form is an Android Package Kit. Just like EXE files on , you can place an APK file on your Android device to install an app. Manually installing apps using APKs is called

How to convert EXE to APK? (Working)

Some Pre-Requisites:

How to use APKs on your PC?

An APK is a file which is used to install an app on any Android device. However, one cannot use this format on a PC. Thus to run an APK file on a PC, we need to create a virtual Android-like platform on a PC. This can be done by using an Android Emulator or an App Player on the PC. One of the most widely used app players is . There are many more app players and Android emulators which you can use. However, the basic method remains the same.

How to run APK files on a PC?

Step 1- Download and install an app player or an Android Emulator on your PC.

Step 2- Download the APK of the app which you wish to run on your PC.

Step 3- Run the APK over the app player or the Android Emulator.

You can run almost every APK on your PC by using an app player or an Android emulator on it.


This is all you need to know about Converting an EXE file to APK format 2019 . You can now go ahead and start converting your EXE files to APK format. You can also run APK files on your PC. If you have any queries regarding the methods listed above, then please let us know about it in the comments section below.

There doesn"t seem to exist any way how to convert Android APK archives to EXE executables because both are meant for different platforms. APKs are for Android and EXEs are for Windows, so it is unlikely that you will find any apk to exe converter or apk to exe emulator .

If you wish to run Android apps on Windows or macOS , you will have to use some of the virtualization platforms, for example the popular BlueStack App Player that is available for both Windows and macOS .

Note: Sometimes you can find utilities, such as apk2exe , that advertise that they can convert apk to exe , however a lot of them are scams or just pack the .apk file like a self-extracting archive (RAR or ZIP).

Updated: February 4, 2019

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.

This conversion entry was verified by us and conversion from apk to exe was flagged as wrong or not possible .
Usually this happens when the conversion would try to convert different types of data between each other, such as audio to image, or it can"t be done because incompatibility between programs, caused by closed file formats, very limited support or by other problems.

If you find entry that you feel is flagged as bad wrongly, please tell us in the discussion form below with as much as information as possible so we can fix it.

Articles and other information relating to apk into exe conversion:

An apk file extension is used for Google Android application packages for Android based devices. apk files are basically a renamed zip files, used to install apps to Android smart phones.

Files with apk file extension were also found in older GameSpy Arcade service for multiplayer gaming.

Files with apk file extension might also be found as projects from Active Tutor authoring tool by 4C Soft.

An apk file extension is related to the Microsoft Train Simulator and used for its packaged activity files. An apk files also uses Quake 2 first person action shooter computer game.

Files with apk file extension may also be application packages for Asustor ADM operating system. Not to be confused with Android files.

An exe file extension is traditionally used for main executable files since the times of MS-DOS. It was adopted for executables in Windows as well. Executables are files that launch programs.

Files with exe file extension can also be found as special self-extracting compress archives. They are basically archives with a small executable program added so the end-user does not require any software to decompress it. Can be password protected.

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